Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sea Urchin wall decor - diy home decor

Now this one is an amazingly less time consuming diy craft for home decor. It gives a modern look to any wall it is in.. be it living room, family room, entry way. Our friends and family will be definitely taken back with the exciting wall craft.

home decor -sea urchin craft
Sea Urchin diy wall decor

All you need is:

  • Styrofoam ball - size depends upon how big or small urchin we need to make
  • Wooden skewers
  • Spray Paint - golden and black
  • A knife
  • Scissors
  • Glue

How to do:

  • Cut the Styrofoam ball into half.
  • Cut all the skewers to the desired length using the scissors or wire cutters
  • Stick the skewers into the base of the Styrofoam ball - in a circular pattern for a uniform look. The trick here is that insert the skewers into the foam ball to make a hole and then take it out. Apply some glue into the hole and insert the skewers back. This helps in the skewers to stick strongly to the foam.
  • Keep inserting the skewers until the look of sea urchin is got.
  • More skewers when added, the better it looks. This covers the Styrofoam ball at the base to give a rich look. 
  • Paint it using spray paint.
        Suggestion: we can either paint the entire craft with a silver or golden paint.
        Or paint the middle part with black and towards the end of the skewers                  paint it with golden color to give that antique look!
  • Add the double sided tape at the base of the Styrofoam ball to be stuck to the wall or even on the table.

The classic wall decor is ready!

And add-on: In case you want to know how the real sea urchin looks like, please check the below picture: