Monday, July 9, 2018

Home decor – Yarn wrapped bottle vases

This is a super cute DIY home decor to make with easily available bottles and some colorful yarn. It is simple, yet elegant and stylish.  It adds the color to the room and is hence my favorite room decor. 
Yarn wrapped bottle vases - home decor
Yarn wrapped bottle
Things you will need:
·         Glass bottles
·         Yarn of vivid and bright colors
·         Glue
·         Scissors

1.      Remove any stickers on the bottles and wash the glass bottles neatly and let them dry.
2.     Apply glue on the neck of the bottle and start winding the yarn
3.     Continue applying the glue on the bottle and wrapping the yarn till the end of the bottle.
4.     Different colors of yarn can be used on different bottles or different colored yarn can be added on the same bottle.

Theses bottles can be used as vases in any part of the house – be it the living room, kitchen or hall way. Please try this simple project and let me know how it looks. Thank you!
 Like always there is no limit to embellishments to add to this craft too. Yarn and bottle can be used to create hundreds of home decors. 

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